Ralph Lauren Uses Live Experience to Celebrate Online Anniversary

In what is yet another demonstration of the complementary nature of digital and face2face experience (digitalive) Ralph Lauren celebrated the 10th anniversary of it's online presence through an extraordinary live experience in London and New York. It's a brilliant execution of a great clutter-busting strategy that proves at once that a brand can sell tradition in the most innovative ways and that nothing breaks through like big idea live brand experience. 

You can see the action here, but don't forget to check out how Lauren is promoting the videos at the link provided below because their staging of the video on their site  is equally brilliant and a key part of the strategy. See that not only do they feature vids that capture the action in both cities, they also provide a look behind the scenes at how it was all created, taking one more step to sell the 10th anniversary of ralphlauren.com one more time: http://bit.ly/f2fcelebratesdigital.

Ralph Lauren 4D Experience from F.TAPE on Vimeo.


  1. This is a great example of Image/Video Mapping. We have embraced this technology and creative solution at Multi Image Group because we feel it is an important, powerful tool to deliver media.

  2. Do you have other examples of deployment?
