Yeah, I'm such a freak for new ideas that I could do all my researching, reading, thinking, writing, and other work in a sand pit without resources and I'd probably barrel through no matter what. But it is so much cooler to do it in places and with tools that add something to the experience. Environment and tools are really important aspects of experience and engagement. I think of environment and tools as the "cool fuel" -- the enabling stuff that helps us use the hot fuel to the max. While we're focused on affecting the experiences of others, we can learn a lot by affecting our own in the spaces in which we do our work.
So here I hope you'll join me in exchanging perspectives on special places (physical and virtual) as well as things we can do to make our ordinary work spaces (both permanent and transitory) more special and more effective through really neat tools and ideas. Here you'll find stuff ranging from ideas on setting up places in which to study at home, to organizing stuff on your electronic devices and keeping it all going on the road, as well as favorite places to which I've traveled and found inspiration. Where've you been, man? Whatcha usin'? Share it here.
Organization Tools
Road Warrior SmarTips