My work passion is Experience-Driven Engagement Marketing; using the many dimensions and disciplines of brand experience marketing to help providers of really neat products and services find, engage, and build wildly passionate audiences and communities for their brands and offerings. It's all about driving demand through value.
This multi-disciplinary approach springs from a wide range of personal passions and unrelenting interest in fields old and new, perspectives, people, performances, products, -- all kinds of stuff -- and the always evolving, purposeful and serendipitous intersecting of them into new insights and ways of doing things. Some of these dimensions and disciplines I've been exploring and applying for decades. Others, I'm just starting to learn. Some are just being invented!
It's always evolving as I continue to warm to the fire of brilliant ideas and relevant insights wherever I find them. Maybe some of these dimensions and disciplines are yours too, or maybe they will become yours if you find something here that sparks your interest. Maybe through your participation here some of yours will become mine. I hope so. Expanding my dimensions and disciplines keeps my fire lit. Check the heat for yourself or add some logs to the burn. And let me know what you think about it all.
Over time, you'll find posts and links to information about the following disciplines and dimensions, and more:
The Psychology of Self-Esteem and its Relevance to Marketing
Social Anthropology
Theater Arts
Media Arts
Storytelling Tips from the Movie Business
Interactive Design
Organizational Development